The Valley of the Kings: Its Life and Afterlife

Talk: The Valley of the Kings: Its Life and Afterlife with Dr. Nicholas Brown
Date: Sunday 6 April, 15.00 BST
Location: Online on Zoom


Free for members. A zoom link will be sent to members shortly before 6 April. 
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Talk information

The Valley of the Kings is arguably one of the most famous archaeological sites in Egypt. For nearly five hundred years, the area was used by the kings of Egypt, their family members, and certain elite courtiers as a sacred necropolis during the New Kingdom (ca. 1550-1069 BC). This presentation provides an overview of the sites use, history, and development over time. Additionally, aspects of the king’s burial will be discussed, to provide an overview of what the state funeral in ancient Egypt was like. 

Dr. Nicholas (Nick) Brown
Yale Egyptology

Nicholas R. Brown is an American Egyptologist from California who has worked as an archaeologist in Egypt since 2011. He received his PhD in Egyptology at UCLA in Los Angeles in 2024 and an MA degree in Egyptology from the American University in Cairo in 2016. His excavation experience includes working with archaeological sites in Aswan (at Elephantine Island and Wadi el-Hudi) and Deir el-Ballas, as well as funerary sites in Luxor, Amarna and Sudan, along with research work in the Valley of the Kings. Nick’s primary research focuses on royal funerary rituals and burial rites in New Kingdom Egypt (ca. 1550-1070 BC), via the archaeological, textual, and art historical remains from the Valley of the Kings. Additionally, he works as a settlement archaeologist and studies the use and perception of ancient Egypt within modern contexts.