Grants programme

One of our core aims is to offer support to assist in excavations connected with and research in ancient Egyptian studies. Thanks to the generous support of our members, the Essex Egyptology Group has an annual grants programme offering funds to a range of Egyptological causes.

In 2023 we were delighted to support the following organisations and projects:

South Asasif Project
To support the restoration of a ceiling in TT223 – the tomb of Karakahamun

The Amarna Trust
Supporting the development of a site preservation plan which might include the preservation of the North Dig House or a project to record the current condition of Amarna houses in the Central City which were excavated in the early 1900s.  

Theban Tomb 16 Project
To support Suzanne Onstine and the University of Memphis team in the cleaning and preservation of the plaster walls and paint

Egypt Exploration Society
To help with the conservation work carried out on their collections

Kom el-Hettan 
To help with the continuation of Dr. Hourig Sourouzian’s work at the mortuary temple of Amenhotep III

Enquire about future grants

If you are an egyptological organisation and are interested in discussing the possibilities of a future grant, please use the contact form on the website.