Excavating the City of the Snake Goddess: Tell Nabasha with Dr Nicky Nielsen

This talk took place at the August meeting of the Essex Egyptology Group, on Sunday 4 August online on zoom.

Dr Nicky Nielsen is a Senior Lecturer in Egyptology, teaching both traditional undergraduate units as well as distance learning. He is also the programme director on the Minor in Egyptology and programme co-director on the MA Egyptology programme at Manchester University. Dr Nielsen’s primary research interest is in Egyptian archaeology and the material culture of New Kingdom and Late Period Egypt, with emphasis on ceramics and craft production.

He also specialises in Egyptian settlement archaeology, in particular in the Delta and the Marmarican Coast. As part of this specialisation, he has conducted excavations at Tell Nabasha in the northeastern Nile Delta, and also works on a project focusing on the 1886 excavations of the site by the British archaeologist Flinders Petrie. The talk provided an overview of the excavations to date and plans for the upcoming season later in August.

More details on the following websites:

