Searching for the Lost Cities of Egypt with Dr Carl Graves

Date: Sunday 3 November, 15.00 GMT
Location: Spring Lodge Community Centre, Powers Hall End, Witham, CM8 2HE
Tickets: Free for members | £6 guests. Guests should book in advance online via Eventbrite >>

Forget about the monumental temples and tombs, and instead join our next event to immerse yourself in the daily life of ancient Egypt. Together we will (virtually by PowerPoint) walk the streets of Amenemhat’s palatial city nestled beneath his pyramid at el-Lisht, mount the ramparts at the Nubian fortress of Buhen, take in the sea breeze at Alexander’s lost Mediterranean capital, and listen for the sounds of a now vanished Cairo.  On this whirlwind tour of Egypt’s lost cities, Carl Graves will guide us through what ‘lost’ really means and what might be left to discover beneath the sands (and waters!) of north-eastern Africa.

Dr Carl Graves is the Director of the Egypt Exploration Society and responsible for managing the Society’s day-to-day operations in its London and Cairo Offices.  He completed his PhD at the University of Birmingham in 2017 on the topic of cultural landscapes of the Nile Valley during the Middle Kingdom.  He holds a BA in Ancient History and MPhil(B) in Egyptology also from the Uni of Birmingham.